If I had told myself just a couple of years ago that I would be starting my own business and website, I would have thought that I was crazy. But time is the changer of all of things and here I am writing my first post (of hopefully many) to this new site. I have been working hard over the last few months to get this site ready and doing a ton of research (being the nerd that I am) on how to do it best. Things are not exactly how I would like them yet and I have yet to finish the shop portion of the site but these are all great things to work on over the long, harsh Wisconsin winters. So after smoking some fantastic beef short ribs, a glass of fine rye whiskey and Daisy sitting by my feet, here we are!! And here is to a great future full of much blacksmithing, dirty hands, minor burns and other new projects I embark on!! Skål!!


What’s with the name?